quarterback is taking the Ivan Drago approach to the NFL season when it comes to COVID-19 concerns. Cousins joined NFL Network's Kyle Brandt on and was asked how he feels about beginning the Brendan Perlini Women Jersey season amid the coronavirus pandemic."If I die, I die," Cousins said about his mindset.Brandt followed up by talking to about Cousins how he feels about the CDC's recommendation to wear a mask in order to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19."If 1 is the person who says, 'Masks are stupid, you're all a bunch of lemmings' and 10 is, 'I'm not leaving my master bathroom for the next 10 years,' where do you land?"Brandt Chris Chelios Men Jersey asked."I'm not gonna call anybody stupid, for the trouble it would get me in. But I'm about a .000001," Cousins responded.The QB added that if he did test positive for coronavirus he would still "go about" his normal daily routines. Here's his entire statement on the matter:"I want to respect what other people's concerns are. For me personally, just talking no one else can get the virus, what is your concern if you could get it, I would say I'm gonna go about my daily life. If I ED Belfour Kids Jersey get it, I'm gonna ride it out. I'm gonna let nature do its course. Survival-of-the-fittest kind Brandon Manning Kids Jersey of approach. And just say, if it knocks me out, it knocks me out. I'm going to be OK. You know, even if I die. If I die, I die. I kind of have peace about that. So that's really where I fall on it, so my opinion on wearing a mask is really about being respectful to other people. It really has nothing to do with my own personal thoughts."Cousins is set to Cam Ward Men Jersey enter his third season as the Vikings franchise quarterback after signing a fully-guaranteed three-year, $84 million contract. The former fourth-round pick spent the first six years of his profe sional career with Washington.The NFL isn't quite as relaxed as Cousins when it comes to players potentially contracting the coronavirus. Players have to wear masks whenever they're around their teammates and there's been a major emphasis put on that fact.
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