Days after a tattoo a sociated with a far-right militia group, kicker has taken his commitment one step further. A fifth-round draft pick by the team over the weekend, the rookie on Monday that Dakota Dozier Jersey he plans to remove the design from his arm altogether."As soon as I saw what it was linked to on Saturday, it was exactly that time I knew I had to get it totally taken off my body," Rohrwa ser said. "I said cover Daunte Culpepper Jersey it up but I want to get it removed from my body. It's shameful that I had it on there ignorantly."A standout special teamer at Rhode Island and Marshall before landing with the Patriots, the 23-year-old Rohrwa ser was the subject of much social media debate upon being drafted, with some on Twitter posting pictures of his tattooed arm. The ink in question, featuring the Roman numeral "III" encircled by 13 stars, is also the logo of The Three Percenters, a right-wing militia movement named after the roughly 3 percent of colonists who took up arms against the British. The group openly resists what they perceive as Myles Dorn Jersey government infringement on the Constitution and is as an extremist group.Rohrwa ser said he got the tattoo when he was 18, and said he was unaware that it was anything more than "an American sentiment" of patriotism."It was described to me as the percentage of colonists that rose up against the authoritarian government of the British," he told CBS Boston. "I was like 'Wow, that is such an American sentiment. A patriotic sentiment.' Coming from a military family, I thought that really spoke to me. I always was proud to be an American. I'm very proud to A.J. Rose Jr. Jersey be an American."After witne sing the reaction to pictures of his tattoo and realizing the logo's a sociation with hate groups, Rohrwa ser has expre sed regret for not removing the tattoo earlier."I'm sorry for all my friends and family that have to defend me," he said. "Putting them in that compromising position is one of the biggest regrets I'll ever have. To them, I'm sorry. I'm going to learn from this. I'm going to take ownership of it. This is not who I am. No matter what, that's not who I am Bisi Johnson Jersey . Hopefully you will all find that out."
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