With the Auctioneer and the brand new Spare Parts cards from Goblins against Gnomes We thought it was quite risky, and we needed a change to make. Also, Soulfire we found to be slightly too effective. As the above picture shows there are few games that charge your synapses in lunch breaks as effectively as a sly playing game such as Cataclysm Classic Gold. The thing that's great about nerfs is that, in my opinion they're still very good quality cards. They're still game-playable. However, the nerfs you've made, Leeroy Jenkins and Starving Buzzard, made each card somewhat not popular. Do you thinkthat, after a look back, that it was a bit overkill?

Leeroy did appear in WoW Cataclysm Classic, in the form of a Miracle deck designed by Tarei professional player Jeffrey Liu], and I've seen it all over. It's not as widespread as it was and that was actually the intention initially. Buzzard is slightly lesser known now however, its mechanism, which allowed you to draw the entire deck regularly in the beginning We felt that we needed to alter the way you draw it. It was also quite shocking, I should say that The Undertaker was able to survive the most recent round of changes to the game.

We have added some cards to Goblins against Gnomes that are particularly suitable for Deathrattle decks. However, the Undertaker One of the cards feel extremely powerful when it's harming the player, but if are drawing him later in the game, he's pretty bad. We watched the ways people were using the card, and also the way we played against the card, but we did not think he was a nerf worthy card. He's very strong however it wasn't over the limit for us. It's important to note this Kolento professional athlete Alexander Malsh] recently won an impressive tournament, and did not play Undertaker in one or his decks.

We'd prefer not to change any cards since we are honest. We would like players to have belief that they are able to utilize their creativity to solve any problem problems they come across. We'll keep looking at itand jump in when needed. In the case of the new Goblins against Gnomes cards One of the most impressive results is that it has allowed players to come up with entirely new strategies, switch their heroes or even drop the old decks. The decks are all new. However, as time passes things get old. WoW Cataclysm Classic meta begins to slow down. Is that a sign that you'll need to constantly add new cards to shake the game?

Yes, that's the strategy. The goal for us moving forward is to determine the best way to bring to the expansions and new adventures. We must time it to ensure that players are ready to play buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold an upcoming batch of cards. We're not going to get into the game too quickly. It's true that new cards take time to process also. There's an art to balancing and we'll try to find an equilibrium point. We're still collecting information and stories from players, and will utilize that information to ensure that the next game is as enjoyable and balanced as it can be.