In the world of WoW Classic Season of Discovery, gold is essential for a player’s progress. It provides the materials necessary for crafting equipment and consumables.

One of the best ways to farm gold in buy sod gold is to use the Stockade dungeon. This method is perfect for rogues since they can stealthily move through the area and pickpocket mobs.

  1. Quests

One of the most obvious ways to farm gold in wow sod is through completing quests. Just like in any other version of the game, questing is a very effective way to earn a ton of gold, especially when you’re leveling. In fact, it’s often recommended that you avoid turning in Green quests until your Exp is close to the cap level.

Having the right profession is also essential in wow sod for farming gold. While all professions are useful, some offer better gold-per-hour than others. Tailoring, for example, is a great profession for making gold, as is Alchemy. Both of these professions can make a lot of money by farming high-end mats, which they then sell to other players or turn into crafted gear and consumables.

  1. Dungeons

One of the most reliable ways to make gold in WoW is through dungeons. Not only do they provide a steady income through loot drops and AH sales, but they also give players the chance to get high-end mats for their professions. Some of these items are valuable and highly sought after, making them great for selling on the Auction House (AH).

This farm is particularly good for Mage players due to their AoE abilities. However, any class can do it as long as they have decent gear. It is also a good farm for early players because it offers lots of cloth, such as linen and wool, as well as murloc fins. It has a high chance for green item drops as well, which are great for disenchanting.

Another popular WoW classic gold farming spot is Un’Goro, which is a great place to farm for skinners. Its local turtles drop tons of turtle scale and meat, which can be sold for a lot of gold.

  1. Auction House

If you’re looking to make gold in wow sod, the auction house is one of the best ways to do it. Auctions offer a steady flow of gold that’s not affected by the in-game economy. However, this method requires a lot of time investment and patience. Moreover, you need a class with good AOE abilities to farm mobs quickly and efficiently.

Nevertheless, auctions remain one of the most popular methods for making gold in wow sod classic. You can also use addons such as Auctioneer to speed up your process.

In addition to the Auction House, questing remains a great way to make gold in wow sod. You can also earn extra gold from Herbalism and Mining. You can also get more gold by completing Green quests, but you should save these for when you’re close to leveling up to the cap. In addition, you can also farm rare items for a significant amount of gold.

  1. Group Farming

In WoW, gold is an essential ingredient for making progress in the game. It can be earned in a variety of ways, including by grinding mobs and selling items on the Auction House. However, if you want to maximize your earnings, it is best to farm gold with friends.

Group farming is the easiest way to make money in WoW SoD. It involves teaming up with a few trusted teammates and going to various zones that are known for having high-level mobs. These mobs can drop valuable materials that can be sold for a large profit. Some of these materials include cloth (sold to a tailor) and raw materials, such as leather, elemental reagents, and others. In addition, some of these mobs can drop BoE items that can be sold to a vendor for a good amount of gold. One good example is Hillsbrad Foothills, which contains a lot of high-level green BoE that sell for a huge sum.