Welcome to your own drifting playground. Docks, the first free-roam option available in Drift Hunters, lets you have fun exploring without track pressure. Though the open sections look friendly at first, be advised - this playground has fangs!
See if you can negotiate between the drift hunters crane supports, utilize the cargo containers as clipping points, and weave through some of the game's most tightly wound areas as you get bolder. Technical difficulties mixed with open areas allows you to choose your own journey (and difficulty). Would you want to play it conservative? Keep your eye on the broad regions. Courageous? Throw down the best angles you can over the hurdles!
Docks is tons of fun even if you're not going to set any money-earning records here. From simple practice to difficult technical challenges where you may perfect your talents, it's like having your own personal drift place without furious security guards and costly tire costs!