Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has been out for a while now and season two is underway. As is typical with gaming nowadays, the developers have released small updates with various changes and fixes throughout the season. Today, March 11, another such update has been released.
These updates often include bug fixes, game balancing, map changes, and various miscellaneous things as well like UI fixes and changes for zombies. Let's look at what changes came to Black Ops 6 today.
Multiplayer Changes
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles event had its end date changed to March 20 at 10 PM PST. The Ricochet Blades have seen a few changes.
Note: The Ricochet Blades changes also apply to the weapon in the zombies mode as well.
Ricochet Blades:
Damage increased from 75 to 100
Rate of fire decreased
Projective velocity decreased
Improved bouncing speeds and physics
The developers have also said they've fixed an issue that was preventing the Gunsmith from being accessed during a match. Here is every other mutliplayer change in today's patch:
The sliding doors on the "Bullet" map no longer open when shot
Infected spawns have been fixed and the game mode is once again playable in private matches
The Tracker perk no longer has an unintentional outline on enemies when pinging them while ADS'd
The D1.3 "Fast Times" camo challenge should not be tracked properly
Tracked challenges and challenges close to completion are now sorted by completion percentage
Zombies Changes
Zombies doesn't always receive nearly as many changes as multiplayer does and this patch is no different. There are only a couple of zombies changes, but all will still be listed. Also, here's a reminder that the Ricochet Blades changes listed above in the multiplayer section do also apply to the weapon in zombies as well.
The Guardian on "Citadel des Morts" can no longer bypass Dying Wish or the downed state while attacking
The Overheat meter should not properly display when using the Belt Fed LMG Magazine attachment
They also made mention that they are aware of an issue causing the Overheat meter to show up while while equipping the Beamsmasher Wonder Weapon and plan to fix this in a future update.
Black Ops 6 Season 3 Delayed?
Minor patches like these contribute to a better and more enjoyable experience playing, whether you're a casual gamer or competing at the highest level in the Call of Duty League. Sometimes, it's not viable to wait until a major patch to fix things. This is especially true since major patches can sometimes be delayed. That is currently the case with Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 as Season 3 for BO6 has officially been delayed.
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