That's the positive and there's plenty. However, it's not enough to override the negative aspects that are present in the franchise. As we've mentioned, there are still issues with the game that must be addressed in order for the majority of the players to begin to accept Mut 25 coins again, namely passing coverage. Additionally, not every aspect was given the respect it merits (namely Franchise mode) which is the reason this is an "free" upgrade instead of being advertised as a fully fledged new game, like Madden 25 next gen.

I've highlighted the improvement as well as the areas that require some attention and care I could go for a lifetime in analyzing the good and bad aspects of this Madden franchise. It's up to the designers, and most importantly, those working at EA who decide to continue building on what they've delivered in this game. Next gen technology is a positive thing. The next gen route is a great thing. An "nerfed" user is not necessarily required to be viewed as a negative thing.

There'll be some debate in the gaming community over what kind of game should be played and everyone must hear their voice. However, it's time for the designers and other people who are part of EA to decide on the type of game they'd like create. Madden 25 could serve as the foundation for a successful "simulation" soccer game played on the field. But will EA concentrate on improving AI to invest further in AI in the near future and, if not, will the developers try to make players more "powerful" instead of actually creating that next generation AI?
In the end, Madden is never as poor as some forums or social media would have the impression that you do, which is why shouldn't be used as the primary indicator. There are some significant advancements made since the evolution of generations, especially in the realm of gameplay and it's now the responsibility of EA to keep the train moving forward.

It's the first day of the week. Next gen Mut 25 coins for sale is here (sure it was announced earlier, but that was a bit of a surprise)! This means we'll be doing our normal thing, which is in which we discuss the differences between Madden 25's next generation vs. the previous generation. When I began making this post, we only had a few details on what this transition into the next generation of gaming would mean.